Различия между версиями 8 и 9
Версия 8 от 2019-12-15 21:58:01
Размер: 1644
Редактор: FrBrGeorge
Версия 9 от 2019-12-15 22:03:22
Размер: 1880
Редактор: FrBrGeorge
Удаления помечены так. Добавления помечены так.
Строка 2: Строка 2:
Write a program that inputs two integers (paper color and ink color) and draws an oval on Mars «Bitmap Display» with following settings: Write a program that inputs two integers (paper color and ink color) and draws an oval on Mars «Bitmap Display» with following settings (note 4X4 pixel size:
Строка 4: Строка 4:
To draw an oval you should scale a circle to fit screen rectangle. Look at the [[#example|example code]]. To draw an oval you should scale a circle to fit screen rectangle. Look at the [[#example|example code]]. After drawing an oval, the program prints all videomemory out in hexadecimal.
Строка 62: Строка 62:
 * `X1` and `Y1` are `127` and `63`, not 128 and 64 because 128-step loop strrts from 0 and ends with 127  * `X1` and `Y1` are `127` and `63`, not 128 and 64 because 128-step loop starts from 0 and ends with 127
Строка 64: Строка 64:
 * All variables are located at `0x10008000`, out of standard data address, because videomemory is settled there.
Строка 65: Строка 66:
Hint: the settings are equivalent to this: Hint: the settings are equivalent to this (note 1x1 pixel size):

Write a program that inputs two integers (paper color and ink color) and draws an oval on Mars «Bitmap Display» with following settings (note 4X4 pixel size:

  • egg.png

To draw an oval you should scale a circle to fit screen rectangle. Look at the example code. After drawing an oval, the program prints all videomemory out in hexadecimal.



Example code:

   1 .eqv    WIDTH   128
   2 .eqv    HEIGHT  64
   3 # Variables
   4 .data   0x10008000
   5 X0:     .float  -1
   6 X1:     .float  1
   7 Y0:     .float  -1
   8 Y1:     .float  1
   9 W:      .float  127
  10 H:      .float  63
  11 ZERO:   .float  0
  12 ONE:    .float  1
  13 # program fragment
  14 .text
  15         # ... (come code)
  16         l.s     $f12 ONE
  17         li      $s0 0
  18 lines:  li      $s1 0
  19 dots:   iscale  ZERO H Y0 Y1 $s0 $f8
  20         iscale  ZERO W X0 X1 $s1 $f10
  21         mul.s   $f8 $f8 $f8
  22         mul.s   $f10 $f10 $f10
  23         add.s   $f8 $f8 $f10
  24         c.lt.s  $f8 $f12
  25         movt    $s4 $s2
  26         movf    $s4 $s3
  27         dot     $s1 $s0 $s4
  28         loop    $s1 WIDTH dots
  29         loop    $s0 HEIGHT lines
  30         # ... (some other code)

In this example:

  • iscale a b A B x X is macro that converts integer x in range from a to b to range from A to B, and stores it to float register X

  • loop reg counter label is macro that organizes a loop of counter steps

  • X1 and Y1 are 127 and 63, not 128 and 64 because 128-step loop starts from 0 and ends with 127

  • dot x y color is macros that draws a dot with selected color

  • All variables are located at 0x10008000, out of standard data address, because videomemory is settled there.

Hint: the settings are equivalent to this (note 1x1 pixel size): egg1.png

Here is full output for checking: output.txt


HSE/ArchitectureASM/Homework_NotOval (последним исправлял пользователь FrBrGeorge 2019-12-15 22:03:22)